Friday, December 16, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge -- Day 22 -- Hands

Taken with my HTC Evo 4g with the Vignette filter on the Vignette app.

B and I were both freaked out by how he picked this up and started acting like he was playing. He held it right and everything. Weird.

I have been sooooooooooo busy. This time of year is always going to be crazy for us with Cam's bday two weeks before xmas but this year got even crazier with my graduation!

Cheryl DeFlavis, MA

hahahahaha, had to do it :)


  1. Ahhhhh that's so cute! It seems like you get better and better with each picture you take! And congrats to you Miss MA! :D Happy belated birthday Cam!

  2. Thank you! I'm really getting into it. I need to get a good camera.
